If you would consider hosting weekly APA league at your establishment, it can prove to be a fast, easy, no-hassle way to increase your business. By hosting APA teams, you can watch your business flourish at no cost to you and join more than 8,000 location owners who are already taking advantage of this money-making opportunity.
This is what the APA offers to you…
Ø Be a part of the world’s largest pool league.
Ø The APA offers over $1 Million guaranteed prize fund for Championship events.
Ø APA Pool Leagues help bar and location owners increase business on slow nights.
Ø By hosting APA teams in your establishment, you are creating a steady traffic flow into your location on a weekly basis. You are also providing your current customers with another reason to frequent your establishment.
Ø APA provides League systems and formats for 8-Ball and 9-Ball.
Ø You receive professional marketing materials designed to promote league development free of charge from your APA League Operator.
Ø You have no paperwork! Your local representative will do it all for you.
Ø Hosting APA teams costs you nothing!!!
“Hosting APA League play puts more focus on our bar. A lot of League members come back on other nights to socialize. We started with three pool tables, and have recently added a fourth pool table because of increased traffic. The APA League has changed the atmosphere of pool. People have fun competing and I have a great time watching my customers have fun in my bar.”
Mark Swank, Owner Crofton Cantina, Gambrills, MD
Please find additional information on APA Host Locations below. If you are interested in increasing weekly sales by becoming an APA Host Location, please contact us at your earliest convenience. We look forward to hearing with you.