Have Fun. Build Teamwork. Play Pool.
Be a part of the world’s largest pool league.APA guarantees over $2 Million in prize funds for the individuals and teams that win a trip to Las Vegas to compete in the World Championships.Anyone can participate, because APA uses a handicapping system that allows for fair competition. Everyone can enjoy regardless of age, physical limitations or athletic ability.APA’s $25 annual membership fee includes a complimentary annual subscription to The American Poolplayer Magazine, discounts to national retailers, and the fun and excitement of playing league. Corporate membership discounts are available if 6 or more teams of family, friends or coworkers originate from the same employer.You receive professionally designed posters, fliers, brochures, and sign-up sheets for the office, employee lounge, cafeteria or other public areas.You have no additional paperwork! The APA League Operator will handle all the scheduling, maintaining records, handicaps, purchasing awards, and direct contact with teams.Employees participating in pool league costs your company nothing!!!